[ b o b c u b e d ]
| Main | Who is Bob? | Contact |Who the hell is Bob?
Well, we don't quite know. Not exactly.
What we do know is that Bob's full name is "Bob Bob". Yes, it's dumb. Yes, it's unoriginal. And that's exactly why it was chosen.
Bob's quirks
Bob is, well, Bob. However, unlike his name, he does have a few original things to him. Sadly, they're all really bizzare.
Bob's married to a woman named Chumus. If you're Jewish or just happen to like the food, you'll know that Chumus is a type of dip eaten with pita bread. Why was she named this? We're not quite sure. All we know is that she also has the next two quirks on the list.
Bob has a great thing going for him called "Massive Regenerative Cranial Expansion Disorder". This means that, quite amazingly, his head randomly explodes, causing great pain to him, and then grows back as if from nothing. Sorta like that alien in Men in Black, except this was original, and it has no special effects. Think like this:
Bob also has something going for him called "Not Being Allowed To Smile". For the mentally impaired, this means that, if Bob ever smiles, a sign appears at the top of the next frame reading "NO SMILING!" and he gets hit with a 10 ton anvil. When this happens, he does not appear in the rest of that specific comic. If Chumus smiles with him, they get hit collectively with a 100 ton anvil. It's sorta like this:
Bob is, shall we say, weirdly designed. His mouth, rather than actually resting on his face, sorta floats around his head, like a thin wire suspended in midair. A top view would show him with a circle (being his mouth) floating around him.
Currently there is no image for this. I'm lazy. I'll work on one in a bit.
Uhm... yeah. That's about all the quirks I can think up right now. So, uhm, I'm gonna end the page here.
[ b o b c u b e d ] is © 2003 - Whenever the Hell We End It by Eli Young, Eliot Lash, Matthew Walliser, and Gilad Gray. How do you like them apples?
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this comic are fictitious, and any resemblence to real people or events is purely coincidental and ALL GILAD'S FAULT!
Site design by Eli Young (Elyscape). Parts of the site design blatantly stolen from Tsunami Channel. Eli would like to thank them for existing, as he would have to find somewhere else to steal a site design from otherwise.