[ b o b c u b e d ]
| Main | Who is Bob? | Contact |Currently, there are an immensely large group of 4 authors. Here are their names and contact info, should you wish to send them hatemail or the like.
Eli Young
Eli Young. Known to the mainstream world as Eli, Elyscape, Ely, Elys, Super Spammers Inc., Vitamin E, and You Idiot. Should you wish to contact him you can just stuff it, as he really has better things to do.
Therefore, here's all his info!
If you want to contact him via AIM, too bad. He doesn't accept IMs from strangers. Well, actually, I suppose he does, so here's his Spooned Niche (SN): ElyscapeFISH (Hint: if you want to talk to him, remove the animal from the name. I have no clue who the person with the animal in their Switching Noose is.)
If you wish to email him, you're fscking insane. But, that's not my problem. He reads email sent to elyscape@w00tmonkeys.thisisallyourfault.com. If you can't discern the spam-protection addition, you don't deserve to email him.
If you want to send him mail via the Postal Service, some form of mailbomb, or *gasp* show up randomly at his house, you scare me. I'm going to go hide over here now.
Eliot Lash
Eliot Lash. Known to the non-Bob world as Eliot, Mistah Lash, and various other things which I don't care about and/or don't know.
If you want to contact him via AIM, this time it really is too bad. I don't think he wants that stuff publicised. Sorry. You'll have to make do with pestering Eli.
If you wish to email Eliot, send something to eliot@thedeerrules.bambi.net. Once again, if you can't figure out what his real email is, you're an idiot.
If you want to show up at his house and make sweet, sweet love to him, that's not my problem. Really, it isn't. I just won't help you. In fact, I'm gonna run away from you now.
Matthew Walliser
Matthew Walliser. He's known to the ignorant masses as Matthew, Matt, and Hey You.
Wanna IM him? Once again, too bad. You don't have security clearance for that stuff.
Email! Whooo! Emailing has two requirements to it:
1) You must be able to discern his email from this link: mattwalli2000@BRAAAAARAGRAGHARG.yahoo.com
2) You must have at least as many brains as a common garden slug. I know, I know, this one's a bit hard, but it's the only way I can make sure that idiotic 14-year-olds who don't know how to spell don't send him spam.
If you, for some strange reason, decide that, against all probability, you're gonna just appear at his doorstep and ask him to make you his monkey boy, I'm just gonna need to take something hard and hit you on the head with it. And then run. Real fast.
Gilad Gray
Gilad Gray. Known to several others as Gilad, Mr. Potatoes, Martha Kofi Shimbo Dickle, and also the exceedingly difficult to grasp "G".
Wisheth thyself to Instanteth Messageth hisself? Well, you could, in theory. But, uhm, we live in reality. So there.
Wanna send him an email virus? No problem! It's all his fault anyway! You might be able to contact him at mrpotatoes2002@BADGER.yahoo.com. I'd like to stress the word "might" here. You might not be able to as well. Not my problem.
Once again, I must stress that, in the event that you wish to kidnap him and sell him on the black market as a scapegoat, you won't be recieving any help from me.
[ b o b c u b e d ] is © 2003 - Whenever the Hell We End It by Eli Young, Eliot Lash, Matthew Walliser, and Gilad Gray. How do you like them apples?
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this comic are fictitious, and any resemblence to real people or events is purely coincidental and ALL GILAD'S FAULT!
Site design by Eli Young (Elyscape). Parts of the site design blatantly stolen from Tsunami Channel. Eli would like to thank them for existing, as he would have to find somewhere else to steal a site design from otherwise.